Resellers and Distributors

Our primary distribution channels include direct B2B and B2C transactions, supplemented by the utilization of distributors and resellers as needed. When orders are made through our EU online shop,, and the destination country is within the EU, the shop will allocate order fulfillment through one of our distributors in France. The system will automatically verify stock availability and choose the appropriate fulfillment partner.  

Switzerland and Liechtenstein Sàrl 
UID CHE-274.821.226
chemin du Pré-Colomb 10, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland
support [at]

EU Countries Sàrl French Branch 
SIRET 930 665 187 00025
15 Rue Louis et Auguste Lumière
01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France
support [at]


KeyTen Solutions
SIRET 915 204 549 00017
223, rue des Plantages
01170 Segny, FRANCE
support [at]


OceanBridge Inc. 
Sumitomo Fudosan Motoakasaka Bldg.7F,1-5-12 Motoakasaka, Minato-ku
Tokyo 107-0051, Japan
sales [at]

Other countries

We periodically work with partners in the UK, US and Canada, but they usually do not keep stocks and shipping is done from Switzerland. Please contact us for more details about resellers in other countries.